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DeFi: KindomsUpcoming Pet & Hero Changes


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Pet Element Changes and Preparing for Crafting

As discussed in the Jan 12th AMA, found here, there will be some upcoming changes made to the current Pets that hatch from Blue and Grey Eggs, and also to Heroes as we prepare to introduce Crafting.

1*wxS7pzJzK2Phz7gzoqTyoQ.pngThis Blub is excited for crafting!

Changes to Pets

Pet Element

Currently, each Pets has three possible Elements, with one getting randomly selected during the Pet Hatching process.

After a patch that will be in the next few weeks, this will be changed to two possible elements for each of these. These include:

  • Blue Eggs: Water and Ice
  • Grey Eggs: Earth and Wind

When Green and Yellow Eggs are hatchable, they will also have two elements each, and Gold will have access to all eight.

The reason for the shift is that we are moving from a six-skill crafting system to an eight-skill system that includes Alchemy and Enchanting. The Pet Elements directly decide which crafting bonus the Pet could provide, so this change was made to balance the bonuses between the four egg colors. This will not impact already hatched Pets.

Pet Variants

Additionally, in the same patch, we are going to add Ultra Rare appearance variants! These Ultra Rare Pets will be even less likely to make a showing than our current Rare appearances. These Pets are aesthetic only, but they make a great collectors item!

We want to ensure notice is given so that players can make their decision on when to hatch with all the information.

Hero Changes

One other announcement in the theme of crafting: we will be having a Hero gene reroll in the future that will reveal Stats Unknown 1 and 2! These will be the Crafting genes for your Heroes. Currently, one of those stats has been mutatable, but after the reroll that will not be the case, as there are no mutations in the Crafting genes.

We are aware that some have made efforts to mutate that gene, however, as it had no intended purpose, there will not be any particular reward for those genes having been mutated when they are rerolled.

We are very excited to be closer to Crafting and we will bring more information about the Hero reroll in the coming weeks!


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Upcoming Pet & Hero Changes was originally published in DeFi Kingdoms Official on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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