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DeFi: KindomsNew Partner: Liquify


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Collaborating with a new partner, Liquify, we are pleased to announce we have launched our own public RPC for DeFi Kingdoms on the Klaytn Blockchain!

For the best DeFi Kingdoms experience following Serendale launch, please add and use the following RPC:

Network Name: Klaytn Mainnet
New RPC URL: https://klaytn.rpc.defikingdoms.com/
Chain ID: 8217
Symbol: KLAY
Block Explorer URL: https://scope.klaytn.com

Additionally, for our community developers we would like to mention All That Node.

All That Node

All That Node allows the deployment of a private RPC node with up to 10,000 daily calls — free of charge — (both Mainnet and Testnet), which should allow for smooth testing and deployment.

If you are developing a product or service that uses several calls per day, and you are willing to utilize this free service, it will help to keep the load on our public RPC lighter, giving a better experience to everyone!


Connect with DeFi Kingdoms


New Partner: Liquify was originally published in DeFi Kingdoms Official on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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