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DeFi: KindomsFeature Release: Multi-Questing


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Queue and Claim your Quests all at once!


That’s right! Long-awaited but never forgotten, Multi-Questing is finally here! You can now queue or claim multiple Hero quests in a single transaction!


Multi-questing begins with a new set of buttons on the bottom left of the screen that allow you to access all the new features.

Quest List

The Quest List lets you access all of the different quests in Crystalvale from a single place. Click “View Quest” to bring up the window for that particular quest, where you can select Heroes for the quest as normal.

1*cPLwvWFRjNWcDbFIZLsYVw.png1*EZgYUaRpxVn_j7iQGtmDkQ.pngThe Vithraven Quest List lets you access all different quests from a single window

However, instead of selecting “Start Quest”, there is a new option to “Queue Multi-Quest”, which will add this quest to your Quest Queue, and remove the Heroes from visibility in the Hero selector window.

Multi-Quest Queue

Once you have queued up all of your quests, visit the Multi-Quest Queue to review them, remove any that you don’t want to submit, and then start the quest.


Once you are satisfied with your quest selections, press “Submit all” and sign the transaction. Your Heroes are on their way!

Active Quests


Use the newly improved Active Quests window to review all of your quests that are completed, in-progress, or waiting to begin. From here, you can still collect quests individually, or you can add them to the queue to complete them all at once!

You can add quests to the queue individually, or use the +/- buttons at the top to add or remove five at a time, or all at once. Once you’re ready, press “Complete All Queued Quests” and sign the transaction.

Once completed, your quest rewards will appear in a new window, with each quest on a separate page, so you can easily see what booty all of your Heroes returned with!


About Gas Limits

One thing to be aware of when starting or completing Multi-Quests is that they are very gas intensive to process on the blockchain. Each block produced on DFK Chain has a limit of 30 million gas that can be used across all transactions in the block. A large Multi-Quest can fill an entire block on its own!

When starting and completing Multi-Quests, if you have a lot of Heroes, you may find yourself running up against these gas limits, which will cause the transaction to immediately fail.

1*8hrjw9Qa08ZjexH-WDqQew.pngBe cautious of gas limits when Multi-Questing

To help with these limits, you can refer to the gas limit calculator on all of the Multi-Quest windows, which will let you know when you’re hitting up against that limit. The interface will not let you proceed if you’ve queued up too many transactions, and you may need to remove some to continue.

We hope that you enjoy this long-awaited feature! Godspeed and good Multi-Questing!


Connect with DeFi Kingdoms


Feature Release: Multi-Questing was originally published in DeFi Kingdoms Official on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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