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DeFi: KindomsPet Hatching and Selling


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1*PxZuZJmPEMOEXVPG4Med-Q.gifThe Hatchery can be found in the East Marketplace.

The day has come! The Hatchery will be open for business at 7PM EDT, and Jarek is eager to help you hatch all those blue and grey eggs! While currently only these two colors are available to hatch, the process will remain the same for all eggs in the future.


When you pay a visit to Jarek in the East Marketplace and enter the Hatchery, you will be given two options: Incubate Eggs and Pet Catalog. The Pet Catalog can also be viewed from your Profile.

Hatching Your Eggs

  1. The first step after clicking on “Incubate Eggs” is to choose your egg. Currently you will only be able to select blue or grey eggs.

2. Next, select your Offering, and you will see the cost of hatching. Gaia’s Grace and Gaia’s Boon require more materials, but increase the chances of hatching a higher rarity or shiny Pet, and also decrease the hatching time.


3. Once you’ve made your choices, approve the contract, then click on “Start Incubation”. You will be able to see the time left for your egg to hatch. Feel free to head out on a quest and check back later to see how your eggs are doing.


4. Once the incubation period has ended, you will be able to click on your incubated egg to reveal your hatched Pet!


5. Your pet card will show you all the information you need to know about your new Pet. Be sure to note:

  • Rarity — signified by the gem in the top right corner and noted on the back of the Pet card
  • Element — the symbol above the rarity gem and noted on the back of the Pet card. A Pet’s Element determines what kind of crafting bonus, if any, the Pet will receive.
  • Season — noted on the back of the Pet card. Yes, this is just Season 1!
  • Bonuses — Every Pet will receive up to three Bonuses, one each for Profession, Crafting, and Combat. All Pets will receive a Profession bonus, determined by the color of egg that they hatch from. The specific details of each bonus will be revealed as the features go live.
  • Bonus Rarity — Each Pet Bonus also has its own rarity, including 1-Star (Common), 2-Star (Rare), and 3-Star (Mythic). Rarer bonuses will have more powerful effects!

Clicking on the ‘i’ symbol in the top-left of the Pet card will reveal information about the Pet Family, as well as art credits for the Pet.


Any time you want to check out your Pets, head back to the Hatchery and click on “My Pets’’ in the Pet Catalog, or click on “My Pets” in your Profile.

Selling Your Pets

Maybe you aren’t happy with you Pet you hatched, or perhaps you can’t afford to feed them. Should you decide you want to sell any of your adorable Pets, you can see them all when you head to the Hatchery and click on “Pet Catalog”, and “My Pets” will show you which of your Pets are available to sell.

1*tG5Trq0qN3Kno6ah6MS6IQ.pngA variety of companions await in the Pet Catalog
  1. Select which of your pets you would like to sell, and click “Sell”.

2. You have the option to list your pet for either a Public or Private Sale. Public Sale puts it up for everyone to see; Private Sale means that only the wallet address you enter can see the listing and buy it.

1*_9-KGduYdvc6LYaxU4x9fg.pngListing a Pet for Public Sale1*08sUsBQsZRwZ3s-PK83r5g.pngListing a Pet for Private Sale

Transferring a Pet

If you don’t want to sell your Pet, but simply want to send it to another player or wallet, click the “Send” button instead. Enter the wallet address of the recipient, verify it with the Profile that appears below, then click “Send Pet”.


Buying a Pet

Alternatively, if you don’t have the patience (or the eggs) to hatch your own Pets, you can pay a visit to the Hatchery to see which Pets are for sale.

In the Pet Catalog, you can access the filter with the button on the top-left. You can then use it to view which Pets are on sale, and filter to see if any of the types of Pets you want are available.


Once you find a Pet at a price that you like, click the “Buy” button and review the purchase on the pop-up window. Click “Buy Pet” and sign the transaction, and your new Pet will make its way into your Pet Catalog.


We’d like to extend a warm welcome to all of Serendale’s newest companions! We hope all your Heroes will find a new best friend!

Connect with DeFi Kingdoms


Pet Hatching and Selling was originally published in DeFi Kingdoms Official on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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