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DeFi: KindomsRelease Notes — May 3, 2023


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Release Notes — May 3, 2023

Good patch week, Kingdom!


With the successful contract upgrades completed earlier today and this evening and everything running smoothly, it’s finally time for the “Hero’s Best Friend” Patch to begin its sure and steady rollout. As discussed in our AMA and across our socials, we will be releasing sets of features and testing thoroughly to ensure each piece is functioning properly before moving on to the next. If all goes smoothly, we’re targeting next week as our final release for this giga-patch. So without further ado, here is the lineup of release items from start to finish.

For our first feature set releasing tomorrow, we have the following items on the agenda:

Pet Gathering Profession Bonus Reveal

It’s almost time to reveal your Pets’ Gathering Profession bonuses! With some sensitivity training from his stepson, Hatcher Cliff has begun to truly understand his horde of Pets and can help you do the same with yours. Once they have their operation set up, you can visit him or the Hatcher in Serendale to reveal bonuses for all your Pets in one fell swoop. Here’s to better understanding between man and beast and… merman?

Blue and Grey Ultra-Odd Variants

Ahead of our Green Egg Pet hatching, we will be adding Ultra Odd variants that can be discovered from either Blue or Grey egg types, so keep an eye out for some of these brand new pet types. And for the next set, with the largest number of new features dropping at once, we have the following items:

Green Egg Pet Hatching

You may have seen the humble beanbug skittering around our socials but the time is soon approaching for you to check out the plethora of additional Green Egg Pets waiting to be hatched. Get those eggs ready for the Hatchening II: the Rehatchening!

Pet Treat Crafting

If there’s one thing I know about Pets, it’s that they get hungry! And they need food, like, right now. Luckily, the Nutritionists in both realms have been hard at work experimenting with different pet food combinations. And it’s just about time for them to set up shop. They’ll have two treat types available to craft, with scaling benefits for your Pet’s nutritional needs. Treats are required to bond your Pets to your Heroes so you’ll want to get right to crafting!

Pet Equipping

In order to bond with their prospective Pets, Heroes need a place to manage all their equipment. Soon enough, you’ll be able to manage your equipment all in one place. Equip your Pet, unequip your Pet, swap your Pet with a shiny new one. It’s all on the table via the Hero’s Equipment and Pet Bonding menus!

Pet Feeding and Power-Up

Once Pets are bonded to their respective Heroes, and much like their human counterparts, they will still get hungry over time and will need to be fed periodically to maintain their bonuses. With your new treat-crafting skills, you will be able to keep their hunger topped up and ready to assist your Hero at a moment’s notice. In addition, we will be introducing a new Premium Provisions Power-Up which will extend the length of your Pet’s full time so they can stay stronger longer.

DFK Duel Season 4

The headliner for the fourth season of DFK Duel is the equipped Pet bonus. Once the season starts, your Heroes will get a flat bonus based on the rarity of their equipped and properly fed Pets. So get those Pets full and bonded and ready to duke it out in the arena with their Heroes!

And last but not least, the final release, to wrap up this giga-release event:

Quest Core V3 and Profession Skill Level 10 Quests T

he final culmination of the “Hero’s Best Friend” patch will be the introduction of Quest Core V3 and Profession Skill Level 10 Quests. This is a huge undertaking spanning dozens of contracts which will allow us greater freedom when creating quests in the future. Profession Skill Level 10 Quests will provide the primary use case for equipped Pets and their newly revealed bonuses. We’re so excited to be in the home stretch for all these great features and the great features that will come as a direct result of these improvements! Expect detailed release notes when each feature is officially released into the wild. Thanks again for your patience and support.

Godspeed and good best-friending!


Connect with DeFi Kingdoms


Release Notes — May 3, 2023 was originally published in DeFi Kingdoms Official on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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