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The Sandbox Alpha Season 2 Security Update




Keeping The Sandbox Fair for All Players by Removing Cheats



  • All bot and programmatic actions are prohibited in The Sandbox
  • Creating multiple accounts to increase your chances of winning is prohibited
  • We’ve identified and banned users trying to exploit the system, and these users were not eligible for the Season 2 Alpha Pass Raffle
  • Anyone who thinks their account was banned by mistake can file a report that we’ll investigate
  • We’ll continue improving our security measures to ensure a fair play-to-earn experience for everyone

At The Sandbox, we take play-to-earn very seriously. We want players to be able to earn rewards by playing — this is one of the benefits of being part of the metaverse. To reward our players, we need to ensure that the game is secure so that “cheat-to-earn” is not a possibility.

The Season 2 Alpha Pass was the primary reward for all S2 players. To protect the value of an Alpha Pass for every player who fulfilled their gameplay goals, we implemented measures against bots, cheaters, and bad actors that attempted to exploit the system to get more chances of winning a Season 2 Alpha Pass.

As the number of players in The Sandbox grows, the number of attempts to find loopholes in our security system also increases. The good news is that these attempts help to strengthen our security. Through the “help” of over 60K would-be hackers, we identified several tactics bad actors were using to game Alpha Season 2:

  • Using bots to create multiple accounts
  • Through an API vulnerability, some users completed the full season from level 1 to level 5 in a few minutes — we know there are great players, but no one’s that good!
  • An additional strategy that we’re still investigating.

Players come first in The Sandbox, and it’s to protect players that we have banned the accounts of users found to have used cheats and bots. If your account was banned and you believe your account doesn’t meet any of the above criteria and was banned incorrectly, please file a report using the following form and we’ll look into it: https://forms.gle/Wq28Z729r49ZQf688.

We’ll continue working to monitor the system and implement new safety measures. We will also use the investigation we just completed and the measures we took to improve our systems in the upcoming seasons, so please stay tuned.

Until then, we’ll see you in The Sandbox metaverse!

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The Sandbox Alpha Season 2 Security Update was originally published in The Sandbox on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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