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Open TOWER chests to get Game Card NFTs!





We are happy to announce that all TOWER Chests can now be opened or transferred to another wallet at https://www.crazydefenseheroes.com/inventory/chests! Each Chest contains 3 Game Card NFTs, and all Game Card NFTs are tradable on OpenSea.

OpenSea Collection: https://opensea.io/collection/tower-battle-cards

Contract Address: 0xcf501ead3ebfa60f40725fca1d82fc05bff63bf2

Game Card NFTs can be used in the upcoming TOWER PC blockchain game, and in a mini-game to earn TOWER tokens in the near future! Click here to watch the teaser of the mini-game.


How to open TOWER Chests:

  1. Go to your Chest Inventory at https://www.crazydefenseheroes.com/inventory/chests, where you can view the chests you own on both Ethereum and Polygon Chain
  • Remember to disable other wallet plug-ins when trying to open your chests on the browser, e.g. Coinbase Wallet


2. Before opening any TOWER Chests, make sure that they are on the Polygon Chain. If your Chests are still on Ethereum, follow the steps here to bridge them to Polygon

3. Click Open, then click “Sign” to approve the transaction with your MetaMask. Note you you can only open 1 chest at a time


4. After the transaction is complete, you should see a chest opening animation of 3 Game Cards popping out from the chest


5. You can now see your Game Card NFTs in your Card inventory

How to trade Game Card NFTs on OpenSea

  1. Go to your Card Inventory to view the Game Card NFTs you own
  2. Click the OpenSea logo at the top left corner of the card


3. You can now see your Game Card on OpenSea, where you can list it for sale


How to transfer TOWER Chests to another wallet

  1. Note that only the Chests on Polygon chain are transferable, so make sure you bridge your chests to Polygon before transferring (see here for tutorial)
  2. Click the “Transfer” button next to the Chest you would like to transfer; you can only transfer 1 type of Chest at a time


3. Enter the number of Chests you wish to transfer and the receiver’s Polygon wallet address


4. Sign to approve the transaction on MetaMask, and wait until the transaction is complete


How to transfer Game Card NFTs to another wallet

  1. Go to your Card Inventory
  2. Click the “…” button at the top right corner of the card you want to transfer


3. Click “Transfer”. Double-check if this is the card you would like to transfer, and then enter the receiver’s Polygon wallet address


4. Click “Transfer”, sign to approve the transaction with your MetaMask, and wait for the transfer to be completed.

Please note that you are required to pay MATIC gas fees for the following transactions (you only need to sign and approve on MetaMask):

  • Approving TOWER Chest opening
  • Opening TOWER Chests
  • Transferring TOWER Chests
  • Transferring Game Card NFTs

Questions? Reach out to us!

If you have any questions regarding the Play-To-Earn events, TOWER token, Tower Experiment, and Crazy Kings game franchise, feel free to contact us!


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Open TOWER chests to get Game Card NFTs! was originally published in Tower Token on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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