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🛠️ Origin Update 🛠️






Later today, we will be deploying updates to Origin. The game will be down until the updates are complete.

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✨ What’s New ✨

  • In Arena Mode, players that go first will once again be able to use attack cards on the first turn (We have removed the "Disarm turn 1" mechanic based on feedback)

  • We have introduced a scaling system for Energy and Card Draw:

    • The player who goes first gains 1 Energy and draws 3 cards on their first turn

    • The player who goes second gains 2 Energy and draws 4 cards on their first turn

    • The player who went first gains 2 Energy and draws 5 cards on their second turn

    • The player who went second gains 3 Energy and draws 5 cards on their second turn

    • From this point on both players gain 3 Energy and draw 5 Cards for the remainder of the battle

  • We've made the following changes to shields/secrets:

    • When playing a secret, your opponent will not know that you played a card

    • All cards with a shield on them will be treated as a Secret and follow the above rule

    • Shields will be entirely hidden from your opponent until the Axie is hit

  • Opponent's info (available energy, number of cards in each pile) formerly displayed in the top right, is now hidden

  • Bloodmoon now starts on turn 17

  • Multi-hit and AoE attack now hit all targets simultaneously 

  • Added new sound effects

  • UI Improvements

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🛠️ Improvements & Bug Fixes 🛠️

  • Multi-hit attacks no longer target dead enemies

  • Fixed a bug where players were receiving the incorrect amount of Victory Stars

  • "Regenerator" Rune now correctly cleanses 2 debuffs

  • Cards that use all available Energy can no longer be played if the user has 0 Energy

  • Changed Axie's standing position so the "end turn" button does not block them

  • [Mobile] Fixed a virtual keyboard bug

  • [Mobile] Fix a UI bug where player rankings were shifted to the left

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