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STEPN taking bold steps toward Carbon Neutrality





STEPN, a Web3 lifestyle app, is kickstarting their mission toward combating climate change and achieving carbon neutrality with a purchase of $100,000 worth of Carbon Removal Tonnes, or 5,797.1 tonnes. STEPN will continue to power the movement to reverse climate change with a monthly commitment to pay for carbon removal.

Today, April 22 marks Earth Day 2022 — where humankind reunites in celebration of support for our planet. We move together as one towards being the change we want to see, working hand in hand towards a greener and brighter future. The theme of this year’s Earth Day 2022 is “Invest In Our Planet” — a call for all of us to act (boldly), innovate (broadly), and implement (equitably).

This aligns with STEPN’s mission of pioneering a climate-positive Web3 space. We believe that the technology and community power behind Web3 can be used to generate real-world benefits, from healthier lifestyles to reversing climate change.

STEPN aims to harness the power of Web 3 to inspire millions towards organic movement and achieve carbon neutrality. To address its climate goals, STEP’N has made an ongoing commitment to using a portion of its profits to purchase Carbon Removal Credits on the blockchain. Annually, this could mean the reduction of about 69,565 tonnes of carbon from our planet.

“At STEPN, we whole-heartedly believe in harnessing the power of blockchain, Game-Fi and Social-Fi for the betterment of global health and sustainability. Working with Nori will allow us to lead the charge and be the change we want to see in our world”

- Yawn Rong, CoFounder of STEPN

“We want to enable our users to each feel a sense of ownership towards this initiative. As the world pivots to making greener choices, we believe this is the first of many steps towards sustaining a conducive planet for future generations”

- Jerry Huang, CoFounder of STEPN

In the near future, STEPN aims to amplify this through governance voting on profit distribution with a portion of the game’s profits being funnelled into carbon offsetting initiatives. As its user base grows, STEPN aims to continue adding more carbon credit offerings and taking greater steps toward combating climate change.


How Nori Works

Nori is a blockchain-backed Carbon Removal Marketplace that connects real-world carbon removal suppliers to climate-forward companies and individuals seeking to negate their carbon footprint.

Currently, Nori sources carbon removals by working with regenerative farmers who are sequestering and storing carbon dioxide in their soils. Each carbon removal tonne purchased incentivizes more farmers to adopt climate-smart practises that restore Earth’s soils.

“Climate change is a global issue, and STEPN is taking a leadership role to be a primary mover in reversing climate change with its commitment to pay for carbon removal through Nori. I think that in a short amount of time the world will soon see that the STEPNs of the world (the innovators in Web3) will be the ones solving the climate crisis by removing more carbon from the atmosphere than they’re emitting. Others are certain to follow their lead.”

Alexsandra Guerra, Nori Co-founder and Director of Corporate Development

Healthy Planet, Healthy You


Ultimately, STEPN seeks to shine a light on the massive good that Web3 brings to the table — By propelling millions towards a more active lifestyle while simultaneously showing the world that a project from humble beginnings can make huge strides in the global effort to combat climate change.

The vision of STEPN is clear — using Social-Fi aspects and building on Web3 to nudge millions towards living a healthier lifestyle, all while combating global warming. The two objectives are intertwined and provide a positive feedback loop.

Walking instead of commuting leads to a significant reduction in GHG emissions. By incentivising millions to walk, STEPN aims to achieve a notable impact on global emissions. Once an individual is aware of the good that he or she does for the environment, they would then start to pay more attention and increase their efforts towards combating climate change. Participating in STEPN’s Carbon Offsetting scheme provides positive value in knowing that one has contributed towards saving our planet, which then subsequently fuels determination to reduce personal emissions. Overall, STEPN users are active participants in both channels, resulting in a strong personal environmental awareness.

Onward and Upward



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