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Patch Notes




Version 0.1



  • High end vendroid will now only spawn in 20+ level ranges
  • Big Che’s rocket barrage is now a bit spicier
  • Boss currency/equipment drop rates have been tweaked (non-NFT)
  • Putting points into stats will now improve player attributes for each point rather then every 5 points
  • Reduced “bleed out” time when players are knocked down
  • AI that are significantly higher level than the player will now be less polite about waiting their turn to attack
  • AI that are significantly higher level than the player will now trigger stronger hit reactions during combat
  • Speed potion speed adjustment has been reduced
  • Barbarian Shout no longer affects Defensive Layers. It is meant to be a Crowd Control ability.
  • Orb Lightning: Now hits the single closest target at level 1. With each extra point spent, Orb Lightning will hit an extra target.
  • “Chaff” mobs are now slightly tougher across the board
  • AI that are significantly higher level than the player will no longer be stunned by player abilities
  • AI Projectile Damage will now scale with the level of the AI casting/shooting them
  • PlayerStatsToAttributes
    - At Stat amounts of 31+, those stats will now start affecting the attribute they affect
  • Mob offensive stat
    - Mobs now Scale up their Accuracy Stat at higher levels
  • mob defensive stats
  • MobDamage
    - At level 15, 25, and 35 the mob damage curve increases letting those mobs do more damage
  • AI that are significantly lower level than the player will not drop as many goodies when killed (This is true for mobs that are devolved at time of death as well)
  • Damage curves for various AI types have been increased
  • Reduce the amount of time Big Cyberpriates stay knocked down
  • The time period after reviving or being revived when players are invulnerable has been reduced
  • Devolve will no longer stack (except between different versions of devolve)
  • Cooldowns, and cooldown reduction modifiers have been tweaked across the board to fix cooldowns being unintentionally small
  • Several abilities that were not improving when upgraded now get better as they are upgraded
  • Sweep The Leg now deals 50% less damage for each successive enemy hit.
  • Consumables are no longer affected by cooldown reduction stat bonuses
  • Vendor item costs have been adjusted for various items
  • NInja leap cost has been increased, and cost will now scale with level


  • Several changes were made to improve game experience when players are “training the zone” by running through the entire dungeon and aggroing all enemies
  • AI are now more free to activate special abilities
  • Fixed some cases causing AI to get stuck on bushes
  • Fixed TRexes getting into a state where they never attacked again


  • Adding Scared Idle for Evermore Cadet NPCs who are lost
  • Extending inventory idles
  • Longer Waffles animation
  • Cyberpirates reinforcements animation extended
  • Added portal spawn-ins for summon decoys
  • Added new animations for no weapon stance
  • Added new shadow ability animation


  • Add NFT roll chance when completing quest objectives*
  • Into The Fray has been changed to leap to a user-targeted location rather than a set distance.
  • New passive ability — Shield Block Energy Reduction — reduces the amount of energy used to absorb damage when actively blocking with a shield.
  • Bloodspray Aura
    - Bloodspray Aura’s effect now correctly grows with the ability level
    - Bloodspray aura’s radius now grows from 500 units at lvl 1 to 1000 units at lvl 10
  • Summon Party Portals
    - Portals now attempt to position themselves in front of the summoned player so that they are easier to notice.
    - If a summoner is not available to teleport to when a summoned player takes a portal, they will be teleported to the summoner’s last known location.
    - Portals will attempt to re-teleport players if the initial teleport failed (previously this resulted in the portal disappearing without teleporting the player).
  • Various ability reticles will now highlight targets that will be affected by the ability.
  • Many abilities with short cast times were changed to keep them from being interrupted from light damage in between going on cooldown and the ability effect occurring.
  • The visuals for Heal Beam have been adjusted to better reflect the intended effect.
  • Pocket Watches that have been equipped, or had points spent on them can no longer be dropped or sold
  • Outdoor adventure instances will now have some more variety in quest objectives


  • Boss battles are now only active after all other objectives are completed
  • Boss battles in the forest dungeon have been updated with geo changes and enemy placement changes
  • General fixes for areas of the map that were easy to use for escaping the playspace
  • Adjusted forest dungeon use of their various components to make for improved layouts and cut down on travel time between encounter spaces
  • Added some CommBots discussing defensive layers to Time’s End
  • Enemies now spawn near some higher-end portals in overworld
  • Valley at start of Time’s End was smoothed out to make it easier to get into the forest from the starting area


  • Added color feedback to item notifications
  • Equipped items can now be marked as trash and favorite
  • Added a tooltip to trash and favorite checkboxes
  • Trash and fav checkboxes are now hidden until hovering over the items to make them more obvious
  • Added a darken gradient at the top of the item slot when hovering to improve trash and fav checkboxes visibility
  • It is now more obvious when items are unable to be equipped
  • Added custom tooltips for empty items and ability slots
  • Added streamer mode option to the settings menu that will hide which server you are on
  • Added vsync and frame rate limit options on settings menu
  • Mark as trash / Fav icons have been updated
  • New icons for Pouches
  • Non-equippable pocket watches are marked as such
  • Added High contrast crosshairs
  • Added a way to accept party invites from the notification and increase the duration of it
  • Added several missing icons for periodic ailments
  • Current ping is now displayed in the bottom left corner of the screen
  • When users are kicked from servers due to being idle for too long, a message indicating what happened will be displayed


  • A new sound has been added for the Whirlwind ability


  • Fixed an issue causing zone chat to be missing when not in a party
  • Fixed emotes listed in UI being incorrect
  • Fixed a typo on the backstab ability description
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the user to be sent back to the lobby if blocks and swaps weapons multiple times quickly
  • Fixed rarity color that wasn’t showing correctly for some items on the item notifications panel
  • Fixed an issue that could cause video settings not to undo when canceling
  • Fixed an issue causing fog that remains in the entire overworld when the player goes DBNO and dies in Icy wastes and respawns
  • Fixed an issue causing DBNO screen desaturation persists for 1 minute after respawning when the player dies from a mob in the overworld
  • Fixed sorting not being saved in inventory
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the chat menu to be unresponsive after unfocusing the text box while loading into a dungeon
  • Fixed an issue that could allow potions to mix two at different levels in the same stock
  • Improved feedback when the party wipes
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the revive UI to become stuck on screen
  • Fixed overlapping issues with Pocketwatch selection (Timelines)
  • Set a new default chat tab if you are not in a party
  • Fixed issue with Heavy Cyber Pirates registering hits on their lower extremities
  • Fixed mob names getting (dead) added to them erroneously in the damage log
  • Fixed the SHOP sign not rotating for some vendors in the overworld
  • Fixed name of Warrior Trainer in Time’s End
  • Fixed some ability effect particle systems that were rotated the wrong way.
  • Fixed collected flowers not disappearing when interacted with
  • Fix narrative pawns not being cleaned up in some cases in Time’s End
  • Fixed several Titles having the wrong Title text applied in-game
  • Fixed two handed weapon stance missing heavy and small hit reacts
  • Fixed canisters and loot chests blocking the camera
  • Fix BarbarianShout using the incorrect damage curve
  • Fixed several Two-Handed NFT weapon meshes that had the wrong grip offset
  • Fix up things going into bags when they could be equipped instead
  • Fixed Elite turrets not having their intended golden material
  • Fix issues with Mega Clockies who are left to get back up after being knocked down
  • Several client crashes have been fixed
  • Fix summoned mobs not decaying over time as intended
  • Fix Lord of the Dead ability not functioning as intended
  • Fire trap in ice dungeons will now be more deadly as it was intended to be
  • Fixed a bug where equipment able to be worn due to stat increases on other equipment could become displaced if the player took off equipment required to wear that item


  • Skip updating AI influence maps in the overworld (Time’s End) to improve server performance
  • Avoid updating player pawn meshes when it’s not necessary
  • Reduced overhead for computing damage indicators and updating foliage
  • Fix fauna in overworld (Time’s End) not getting cleaned up and bringing server performance down over time
  • Avoid doing extra work on the server to update melee lock-on target display
  • Avoid updating mine points in Time’s End when not needed
  • Move several objects to tick in parallel with physics updates


  • Vfx- Heal Beam Reticle Size Parameter — Added a parameter to adjust the scale in + X for this reticle, so instead of moving it away from the caster the reticle can be scaled until it reaches its target.
  • Vfx — Frost Spells — Some particles systems were marked as local space when they should be world space. Some particles were popping out of existence where they should gently fade away.
  • Vfx — Minor devolve FX — Visual effects to “Devolve” ability. Fx on the caster and one effect for the enemy afflicted by this debuff.
  • Vfx — Unstopoble shout fix — Fixed several Systems that had an wrong offset where it would make the effect clipping through the ground.
  • Vfx — Decal for AOE — Visual effect feedback to better represent the radius and target of abilities.
  • Vfx — Aoe Decal Loop — Set the decal to play infinitely
  • Vfx — Glacial Entomb fix — Fixed the rotation orientation on the snow meshes for this ability.
  • Vfx — Visual effects to “Devolve” ability. Fx on the caster and one effect for the enemy afflicted by this debuff.
  • Vfx — New visual effect for Chronomancer`s Energy Ball ability.
  • Vfx- New visual effects feedback for Big Pirate Anchor attacks.
  • Vfx — Chronomancer`s energy ball now have a trail.
  • Vfx- New visual effects feedback for Big Pirate attacks.
  • Vfx — Better visual feedback for devolve ability.
  • Vfx — Visual feedback for Summoner Overling swipe attack.
  • Vfx — Visual feedback for Rend ability when it breaks the right defense layer.
  • Staff loot mesh replaced
  • Adjusted colors of character models so that they don’t become washed out in bright areas
  • Fixed glowing Gastropods
  • Fixed 2Handed Sword NFTs being held incorrectly
  • Fixed some cases of floating trees in Time’s End
  • Time’s End has new clouds


  • Improved visual look of Big Cyber Pirate chain physics simulation
  • Overworld hub servers no longer need to shut themselves down every 6 hours


Patch Notes was originally published in PlayBigTime on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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