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How To Race Hoverboards!




Hoverboards racing mode has been released in the Evaverse. Follow these steps to join in!

1. Create an Evaverse Account:

Sign up for an Evaverse account using the Sign-Up Page

2. Pair your Wallet to the Evaverse Account

Pairing your wallet to your Evaverse account allows you to access the NFTs you own within the Evaverse game. Wallets can be paired in three locations throughout the sign-up process. Players can pair their wallets when signing up for an Evaverse account, in the member’s website portal, and in the settings menu during gameplay.

Pair your Wallet on New Account Sign Up

1*joVufn5wY4zDtOVKuB-8Og.pngPair your Metamask Wallet when signing up for an Evaverse Account

Pair your Wallet from the Members Area of the Website

0*TX57LsdGsf0fB0EVMetamask wallets can be paired in the member’s area of the Evaverse website0*dx6b4tzIpf7ScDdlSelect the Pair button in the settings menu while playing the Evaverse GameMenu

3. Download the Evaverse Game

Players must create a Steam account and install the steam gaming platform through Steams website. Then they can download the Evaverse game for free through the Evaverse Store page.


Launching the Evaverse Game:

Evaverse can be downloaded, installed, and launched through the Steam games platform once the Steam account and client have been set up. Log in with your Evaverse account information to begin playing the Evaverse game.

1*5-psl8Wx88vifxXK89pnog.pngSteam Store Platform to Download, Install, and Play the Evaverse

4. Buy a Hoverboard NFT

Although anyone may play the Evaverse for free using the free hoverboard, you must own a Hoverboard NFT to level up and gain experience for the board. Hoverboard NFTs are a unique collection of over 10K Hoverboards that were airdropped to Evaverse holders. For more information on Hoverboards please see this Hoverboard post.

1*Qn75iZITBMFzAIPR1MNlkw.pngHoverboard NFTs available on Opensea

Players may purchase Hoverboard NFTs through the Hoverboard Opensea Collection page. Once the wallet is paired the Hoverboards will automatically show up in the Evaverse game. For more detailed instructions on purchasing Hoverboards please view the instructions post.

5. Racing your Hoverboard

1*g6_17tblDaOoIsu7wRMpGA.pngThe Gear menu holds all the Hoverboard NFTs for that wallet

Once inside the Evaverse game players can access their Hoverboards through the UI loadout menu called “Gear”. Selecting a hoverboard here will mount the player onto the board. Players may toggle the hoverboard on/off using the default hoverboard hotkey “V”.

1*HbVOGhDYxO-6noj7teFm1w.pngThe Race panel initiates the start of each race

The Evaverse Grand Prix can be started from the Race Panel located within the Evaverse world. Players will be given a 30-second window to opt into the race during the invite period. Players may join the race by visiting the race panel or typing “/join” in the chat. Once all players have joined the race it will begin automatically!

6. Winning the EVA Grand Prix

1*J9_wgNkkV7eJCTheprbK5w.pngEVA Grand Prix Start

Racing is a game of skill! Once a race begins players are teleported to the race start. After a short delay, a countdown begins and the race commences. Players must navigate the race while avoiding obstacles and hitting every yellow checkpoint game in order. Upon finishing they are awarded experience for their hoverboard based on their performance.

The more players in the race and the better ranking you finish with provide large bonus experience rewards to players. To level up your board ASAP it's helpful to race with friends!

Best of luck and be sure to join us in Discord if you have any questions!

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Evaverse Website
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