Early Access Mystery Boxes
We are excited to announce the addition of mystery boxes dropping in-game for Early Access periods. Please see our release schedule below and some additional important information below.
Important to know:
- The Time Keeper has been renamed “Time Warden.”
- The Mystery Box contains a “Placeholder NFT” that can be exchanged at a later date for the actual NFT Version of the game object. Date TBD, more information to come.
- Time Wardens, Armories, and Forges all have varying rarities. The mystery box will give you a random rarity, which will be revealed at a later date.
- Approximately 3–5 hours of gameplay are required to acquire a Mystery Box. Later EAL Phases will require significantly more time.
- Mystery Box Issuance number is not reflective of the total supply of Time Warden, Armory, or Forge. Issuance/ Total Supply is TBD.
- Players from the Gold and Silver Pass periods are eligible for mystery boxes in later Early Access phases.
- Ie. Gold Pass holders qualify for Mystery Box drop in Silver EAL. Gold & Silver Pass holders are eligible for Mystery Box drop in Jade and Ruby Pass periods. Gold, Silver, and Jade Passes qualify for Mystery Box drop in Jade.
Early Access Mystery Boxes was originally published in PlayBigTime on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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