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June 13th, 2022 — Patch Notes

June 13th, 2022 — Patch Notes Patch Notes (brief comment from Ardoyn): If you haven’t noticed, this isn’t the full Patch Rundown that many of you are used to. Rather than new gameplay and systems, this patch focuses on bringing many requested QoL features (Mass Release anyone?) and giving the entire game a massive facelift as we prepare to introduce new UI pages and new systems to the game. So for now, enjoy the new look! NEW — New Venari Inventory Page (with brand new filter

May 16th, 2022 — Patch Rundown (Patch Notes & Design Thoughts)

May 18th, 2022 — Patch Rundown (Patch Notes & Design Thoughts) Patch Rundown by Ardoyn For those who were at the Vocari Hang-Out this past Saturday, you guys know what’s dropping in this patch. And it’s definitely a big one. Leveling. (No joke I spent way too long looking at this word wondering if I spell it with two or three L’s) To prepare for the leveling patch, we’ve had primers, adjustments, and burning released all to help lead up to this. It’s time to start pow

April 18th, 2022— Patch Rundown (Patch Notes & Design Thoughts)

Patch Rundown by Ardoyn First off, sorry, this is NOT the leveling patch. During some internal testing and feedback, we’ve recognized a few additional stress points (scholar double-taxation was a major one) in the current iteration of the marketplace and are actively working to remedy those through creative game design. As a result, a few adjustments to the burning/leveling needs to be made before they ship. However, we WILL be going over quite a bit of Marketplace/Leveling systems in


enjoi in Legends of Venari News

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March 28th, 2022 — Patch Rundown (Patch Notes & Design Thoughts)

March 28th, 2022 — Patch Rundown (Patch Notes & Design Thoughts) Patch Rundown by Ardoyn It’s been a while everyone. The Kore team has returned from their GDC trip and we’re coming straight back into things with the next major feature that’s been cooking for a while: burning. NEW — When in a Venari’s page, you can now burn a Venari (WARNING: DOING SO WILL REMOVE THE VENARI FROM YOUR INVENTORY PERMANENTLY) for essences. Normal ownership burningFor lent passes, the essence will be divided at t



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February 18th, 2022 — Patch Rundown (Patch Notes & Design Thoughts)

February 18th, 2022 — Patch Rundown (Patch Notes & Design Thoughts) So throughout the Lunar New Years event, we’ve gathered ALOT of internal information on alot of player behavior and certain trends that we’re seeing. This patch should hopefully address many more of the concerns around RNG and it’s impact in the game. Patch Rundown by Ardoyn: RNG balance patch round 2. In our first anti-RNG patch, we definitely took out alot of the major pain points for players and as a result, much of the o



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February 9th, 2022 — Hotfix Patch Notes & Design Thoughts

February 9th, 2022 — Hotfix Patch Notes & Design Thoughts Design Thoughts by Ardoyn: So, let’s talk about the tiger in the room. 15,000 tigers in fact. Yes, as many of you all know, the Lunar New Year event launched on Monday of this week with a plethora of bounties up for grabs. With the high demand for these rewards, we saw a tremendous increase in player activity compared to the Winter Event, which led to server strain and a rapid drain of the Tier 2 Jin’Hu pools. While it was intentional



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As the sunlight dwindles on the seventh of February, everyone steps out of their homes and gazes at the bright moon for the yearly celebration of the Yue’Guxiang. What had once been a practice done by settlers in commemoration of their late home planet, was now an event that honors the concepts of homeliness and camaraderie. While the festivities only last for a night, its traditions and practices had been said to bind relationships and partnerships for the coming year ahead. After all, as the s



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February 7th, 2022 — Patch Notes

February 7th, 2022 — Patch Notes This week at Legends of Venari, we’re celebrating the Lunar New Year with our special Lunar New Year event, which lasts until February 28th! Join in the festivities by using the new event baits, Steamed Morsax and Ayena Roast Lurken, to bait and catch the new event exclusive Venari, the Jin’Hu! Make sure to pick up some bait at the City of Tecta and Mirala before setting out on your expeditions to catch this majestic predator. Also in this patch is the long await



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January 28th, 2022 — Patch Rundown (Patch Notes & Design Thoughts)

January 28th, 2022 — Patch Rundown (Patch Notes & Design Thoughts) This is the big one. The second of our major gameplay patches in the Alpha Season and there is ALOT to go over. As such, the Patch Notes will be delivered in a Patch Rundown style with accompanying Design Thoughts throughout this Patch Notes to help explain why certain decisions were made. If you only want to read the Patch Notes, scroll directly to the bottom for just the list of changes. Patch Rundown by Ardoyn: Internally,



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When the first snowflake begins to fall in winter, every child in Caerras becomes excited for the start of Damavel, the most widely celebrated tradition on Caerras. With its roots tracing back to the aftermath of the Red Death, Damavel was first focused on the spirit of giving and sharing but over time evolved to commemorate the overcoming of hardships throughout the past year and the beginnings of new hopes for the new year. The holiday and festivities last for the entire duration of December,



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January 7th, 2022 — Hotfix Patch Notes & Designer Thoughts

Hello everyone! Just a quick announcement before we get to the juicy stuff, this website will be where all our patch notes will be posted and archived in the future! If you have not seen our January 7th Patch Notes, they can be found here: https://blog.legendsofvenari.com/patch-notes-january-7th-2022-f1fd9f998d9b And yes, there is a tl;dr at the bottom for the lazy readers. Design Thoughts by Ardoyn: So we shipped out our very first balancing patch this morning on January 7th, 2022. While we kno



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Patch Notes — January 7th, 2022

January 7th, 2022 — Patch Notes BAIT ADJUSTMENTS: Tier 1 Bait Price reduced from 850 gold to 500 gold. Tier 2 Bait Price increased to 2800 from 2000. Tier 3 Bait Price reduced from 8250 to 5500. Tier 1 bait chances of triggering a Tier 2 has been reduced slightly. Tier 2 bait chances of triggering a Tier 3 has been significantly reduced, bait chances of triggering a Tier 2 has been increased. Tier 3 bait chances of triggering a Tier 1 has been significantly reduced. Tier 3 bait chances of trigge



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